Price List

Special offer: get 50% bonus with your first payment! For all customers who pay for the first time:
  • Buy 2 POINTs - get 2 + 1 = 3 POINTs to account;
  • Buy 3 POINTs - get 3 + 1,5 = 4,5 POINTs to account;
*Works only with your FIRST payment. **Works only with 2, 3 POINTs.

You can pay using your credit card or e-check. If it would be more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer. Contact us for details if you prefer this way of making payment.

To start using services of marriage agency, you should add POINTs to your account. Then each time you read/write a letter, send an inquiry, send/receive an additional photo of a woman, your account is debited respective number of POINTs. You buy conventional units called POINTs. We would advice you to buy multiple POINTs; first of all, you decrease the cost for each piece of service, and secondly you do not need to go through on-line payment procedure each time you want to write a letter, send a gift.

If you are registered - you will be asked to login, if you are not registered - you will be asked to register. As soon as your order is reviewed and confirmed by the processing company funds are added to your account. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your order or have problems with ordering our services.

You can choose the currency which is more convenient for you from the list of 6 currencies: EUR, USD, GBP.

Here's the price-list for purchasing POINTs:

POINTscosts in GBPcosts in EURcosts in USD
1 pt

£ 8.2

(1 Pt £ 8.2)

€ 9.99

(1 Pt € 9.99)

$ 9.99

(1 Pt $ 9.99)
2 pt

£ 12.5

(1 Pt £ 6.25)

€ 14.99

(1 Pt € 7.49)

$ 14.99

(1 Pt $ 7.49)
3 pt

£ 17.99

(1 Pt £ 5.99)

€ 21.75

(1 Pt € 7.25)

$ 21.75

(1 Pt $ 7.25)
4 pt

£ 22.99

(1 Pt £ 5.74)

€ 27.99

(1 Pt € 6.99)

$ 27.99

(1 Pt $ 6.99)
5 pt

£ 27.99

(1 Pt £ 5.59)

€ 33.99

(1 Pt € 6.79)

$ 33.99

(1 Pt $ 6.79)
6 pt

£ 32.99

(1 Pt £ 5.49)

€ 40.5

(1 Pt € 6.75)

$ 40.5

(1 Pt $ 6.75)
7 pt

£ 37.99

(1 Pt £ 5.42)

€ 46.9

(1 Pt € 6.7)

$ 46.9

(1 Pt $ 6.7)
8 pt

£ 41.99

(1 Pt £ 5.24)

€ 51.99

(1 Pt € 6.49)

$ 51.99

(1 Pt $ 6.49)
10 pt

£ 51.99

(1 Pt £ 5.19)

€ 62.99

(1 Pt € 6.29)

$ 62.99

(1 Pt $ 6.29)
12 pt

£ 60.99

(1 Pt £ 5.08)

€ 74.4

(1 Pt € 6.2)

$ 74.4

(1 Pt $ 6.2)
13 pt

£ 65.55

(1 Pt £ 5.04)

€ 79.95

(1 Pt € 6.15)

$ 79.95

(1 Pt $ 6.15)
15 pt

£ 74.45

(1 Pt £ 4.96)

€ 90.75

(1 Pt € 6.05)

$ 90.75

(1 Pt $ 6.05)
16 pt

£ 78.75

(1 Pt £ 4.92)

€ 95.99

(1 Pt € 5.99)

$ 95.99

(1 Pt $ 5.99)
20 pt

£ 96.75

(1 Pt £ 4.83)

€ 117.99

(1 Pt € 5.89)

$ 117.99

(1 Pt $ 5.89)
25 pt

£ 116.85

(1 Pt £ 4.67)

€ 142.5

(1 Pt € 5.7)

$ 142.5

(1 Pt $ 5.7)
30 pt

£ 135.29

(1 Pt £ 4.50)

€ 164.99

(1 Pt € 5.49)

$ 164.99

(1 Pt $ 5.49)
40 pt

£ 173.99

(1 Pt £ 4.34)

€ 211.99

(1 Pt € 5.29)

$ 211.99

(1 Pt $ 5.29)
50 pt

£ 204.99

(1 Pt £ 4.09)

€ 249.99

(1 Pt € 4.99)

$ 249.99

(1 Pt $ 4.99)
75 pt

£ 278.79

(1 Pt £ 3.71)

€ 339.99

(1 Pt € 4.53)

$ 339.99

(1 Pt $ 4.53)
100 pt

£ 327.99

(1 Pt £ 3.27)

€ 399.99

(1 Pt € 3.99)

$ 399.99

(1 Pt $ 3.99)

You can pay for our services in different ways: first of all, you can pay on-line using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Diner's, JSB). Do not be concerned about using your credit card online - credit cards orders are processed by Internet Billing, a provider of online card processing and payment solutions to many vendors worldwide and certified Payment Service Provider (PSP). We also accept off-line payments: if it is more convenient for you, you can pay by Global Money Tranfer money transfer (we offer 5% discounts for certain payments through Global Money Tranfer; choose this method of payment to learn the details). Besides, you can pay directly from your bank account to ours, for this kind of payment choose bank-to-bank wire transfer. On-line payments are processed in real time and funds are added to your account at our web-site automatically. If you choose to pay by Global Money Tranfer or to a bank account you will have to wait from 2 to 7 business days till we receive the money and will add funds to your account at our site. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

When you buy POINTs, they are added to your account at This account is debited for each e-mail, photo, gift order. You can view a history of your activity at any time at the "Payment History" section of your account.

So, the prices for letter/photo forwarding are:

  • 1 letter forwarding (translation included) - 1 POINTs
  • 1 photo forwarding (and printing, if it is your photo for a lady) - 0.5 POINTs
  • Reading of introductory letter - 0.15 POINTs.
  • Sending a Query - 0.25 POINTs.

We also offer you gift delivery service. You can see the standard price list for the gifts we can deliver on the gift delivery page. Delivery fee is 3 POINTs.

You can also buy Service Package to our web-site, which would save you money. Read in details in our Service Package section.

We offer the following terms of the Service Package:

Monthscosts in GBPcosts in EURcosts in USD
1£ 41€ 50$ 50
3£ 61.5€ 75$ 75
6£ 81.99€ 99.99$ 99.99
One Year£ 122.99€ 149.99$ 149.99

How much does live chat cost?

You are charged per each second of your online chat but not less than for 1 minute. For example, if your online chat lasted 30 seconds, you are charged for the full minute of chat. As soon as your chat started the program counts the time of the chat. The first minute of chat costs 0,10 POINTs, every further second costs 0,0016 POINTs. For example, your chat lasted 3 minutes and 19 seconds, it will cost you 0,32 POINTs. When you chat with a web-cam on, the cost of the chat is doubled. Please, note, that if you chat simultaneously with several girls, every chat is considered a separate chat and you pay separately for each chat. For example, if you chatted with lady ID:12345 and lady ID:54321 at the same time, and each chat lasted 5 minutes, you will be charged 0,5 POINTs for chat with lady ID:12345 and 0,5 POINTs with lady ID:54321, total 1 POINT.

1 photo forwarding in live chat costs 0,48 POINTs or 300 seconds of the Chat Package.

How much does the Conference Call cost?

Base Price of Phone Call - 6 POINTs*

* 15 minutes of call included. If you talk more than 15 minutes, each additional minute will cost 0.25 of a POINT.

We accept payments by WebMoney

WebMoney Transfer is the global settlement system and environment for online business activities. WebMoney Transfer Technology is based on providing all its users with unique interfaces that allow to operate and control individual property rights for valuables (assets), stored at the specialized entities, the Guarantors (participants of the System who are located in various jurisdictions and store valuables of various legal nature). A technology, implemented by WebMoney Transfer offers various security measures necessary to perform transactions online safely. Read more at You can become the user of the system easily by registering at and send money to and recieve money from other WebMoney Transfer users.

To pay for our services using WebMoney please, login to your account, go to the payment page following "Buy POINTs" link, click "Change method of payment" button and choose WebMoney Transfer. Choose the amount of POINTs you want to buy and click "Buy now" button.

When you make payment using WebMoney as your chosen payment method you will be redirected to WebMoney Transfer website. The processing of payment is automatic, the funds will be added to your account in real time without any delays.

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